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Wilsey Center for Opera

Wilsey Center
Dianne and Tad Taube Atrium Theater

Dianne and Tad Taube Atrium Theater

John M. Bryan Education Studio

John M. Bryan Education Studio

We offer a series of new and expanded programs for youth, families and adults in the Bryan Education Studio.

John M. Bryan Education Studio

Norby Anderson Costume Studio

On any given day, the artisans of the costume shop are surrounded by quilted petticoats, hoop skirts, huge turbans, jeweled crowns, armor, mud and blood—all in the service of grand illusion.

John M. Bryan Education Studio

Edward Paul Braby San Francisco Opera Archives

Home for our vast archive showcasing 100 years of the Company’s history, including production photos, recordings and radio broadcasts, performance videos, costumes, programs books and more.  Explore the past 100+ years at:  https://archive.sfopera.com/search .