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Fulljames, John

John Fulljames(Newcastle, UK)

2024–25 Season: Stage Director, Poul Ruders' The Handmaid's Tale

Recent and Upcoming: Poul Ruders' The Handmaid's Tale (Copenhagen's Royal Danish Opera); Die Walküre (Copenhagen); John Adams' Nixon in China (Madrid's Teatro Real, Copenhagen, Scottish Opera); Fidelio (Nederlandse Reisopera, Polish National Opera, Copenhagen); Don Giovanni (Greek National Opera); Orfeo ed Euridice (Milan's Teatro alla Scala); Kurt Weill's Street Scene (Opéra Monte Carlo, Madrid, Opera Cologne); Raskatov's Germania (Lyon Opera); Così fan tutte (Bucharest Opera); The Return of Ulysses (London's Royal Ballet and Opera)

Director of the Cultural Programme at the University of Oxford

Co-Founder of The Opera Group