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SF Opera Mobile App

Blue Curtain

San Francisco Opera iPad app logo

Click on the Apple App Store button button to initiate your download.



Screenshot of Apple notice 'Stay connected, Help us enhance your experience with personal notifications about special offers, productions, events, and more!' Below text is the 'allow/don't allow' button to let SF Opera send you notifications.

The first time you run the application, you will see a message asking for permission to send you notifications.

If you click on the "Allow" button, we can send you notifications about your events and important alerts!





How to Access Your Tickets

iPhone screenshot of the login interface for the SF Opera app.

iPhone screenshot for accessing your tickets within the SF Opera app.

Your tickets will be available 48 hours prior to your performance.


How to Access the Digital Program Book

iPhone screenshot of the digital program book in the SF Opera app

1. Click on the menu icon in the top left-corner of your app.

2. Look for "PROGRAM BOOK" in the menu.

Be sure to explore the other options available so you can get the most out of your time at San Francisco Opera.