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Origami Cards

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Origami Cards- Hau Chan, 2021

Origami Cards- Hau Chan, 2021

In 1984, 37 years ago, I was given a life sentence and I have been incarcerated since then. As part of my rehabilitation, I have taken numerous self-help and self-awareness courses/programs and participated in many related groups as well. However, the class that benefited me the most has been the San Quentin Origami Program.

I was very hesitant to try Origami because for many years I viewed Origami as a handcraft for women.

Thanks to the encouragement of my teacher Jun Hamamoto and reassurance from my peers, I finally overcame that bias, gathered and mustered the courage to enroll in the origami class.

I have always been clumsy with my hands and to say I am not very talent or gifted in handicraft would be an understatement. Regardless of how much mistakes I make, I can always fix a crooked part, improve it and call that my master piece. As a matter of fact. I believe everyone can do it! And that is Origami!

For me, Origami is like an effortless meditation where I am not aware of time and yet experience real peace and true joy in turning a tiny piece of paper into an animal, a bird, a flower or a delicate box.

Origami has been my therapy, it helps me not to be impatient or self-absorbed. I have become more mindful and aware of my surroundings. It really helps me to overcome difficult times especially during the Covid-19 pandemic.

In the last couple years, I have been making origami to complement greetings cards for family and friends. It also provides me opportunities to make some donations which most them go to charities or non-profit organizations. It makes me feel good to contribute and to know how I am able to achieve something good and noble.

Origami has a lot to do with my healing and made me the person I am today. In fact the Parole Board found me suitable to return and live in the outside society and my tentative release date is coming November 2021. Regardless of where I am at, I will always find time to do Origami and I hope all of you will try it too.

Thank you for allowing me to share my Origami experience.